sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2015

Homework for christmas time

Hello class,

Solo os escribo para recordar la tarea de navidad:

-Inglés,matemáticas y lengua aula planeta.

-Presentación science unit 6(ecosystem Canary Islands).

-Lengua pg. 62,63 act. 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11.

-Terminar tarea de musica pg 72,74.

-Tare/examen de sociales pg 96 (2),,pg 97(7,8).

-Hacer formal letter en la carpeta de google drive de inglés.

Tarea science pdf aulaplaneta.



martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015

                                                  Science subject

 This unit is about SOIL. 
Definition of Soil:Is the mixture between minerals , air , water and organic matter.
                                                                     Soil Profile
It is a vertical section of the soil from the ground surface downwards.It is formed by different ``Layers´´ called horizons.
                                                                    Types of Soil


                                                         Soil components:


                                                      The Growth of a plant depends on:
The amount of sunlight
Availability of Water,Air,Nutrients.

Resultado de imagen de waterResultado de imagen de sunlight

Resultado de imagen de air
Resultado de imagen de nutrients plants

Spanish Language

Daniel Opinion: I think it is a very easy subject and a very funny subject just because of our teacher.

Marco Opinion: I think that is a very difficult language for the foreigns people because it is has a complex alfabet.

Claudia Opinion: I think that is a subject that we work very hard and we understand it and I have to much funn.

Jose Daniel Opinion: I think that is a very easy subject, also for studing and just also because of the teacher that explain the things very well.


jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

Dayly routine in class of technology


At 8:15 we start in class and we pray and put the overall on. Depending on what day it is we have different subjects. Today , dec 1st 2015 we have at first hour technology .We have it 2 hours a week .Usually we watch different videos .On  Tuesdays we work and correct homework, and on thuersdays we work sewing the scarf. For the final work we are going to use this blog since the end of course
Welcome every body to this incredible bloghttps://newwaysministryblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/welcome_mat.jpg